Advertising on LinkedIn

We manage your ads on the professional network to grow your business.

Find B2B audiences and offer them your services

LinkedIn Ads can be a great way to reach a professional and targeted audience that is harder to find on any other online platform.

Why advertise on LinkedIn?

The perfect B2B contact platform

  • Specific professional audience
  • Accurate segmentation
  • Different ad formats
  • Detailed analysis of results

What is LinkedIn Ads advertising?

What our service includes

Create an advertising account

To get started, we create a LinkedIn advertising account for you. If you already have one, we will add us as your managers.

Create an advertising campaign

We create a new LinkedIn Ads campaign and choose its main objective, such as generating leads or increasing brand awareness.

Define the target

Then we must define your target audience. LinkedIn allows you to segment your audience by location, industry, company size, job title, etc.

Select the ad format

We study the best way to reach the target audience. Options include text, image and video ads.

Budget and campaign duration

We select a daily or monthly budget and set campaign start and end dates.

Emergence of new strategies

Once we have the strategy under control, we may come up with new campaign possibilities or new strategies to try.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question we haven’t answered? Do not hesitate to contact us.

How is the platform paid for the investment in LinkedIn Ads?

When you create your advertising account we will ask you to fill in the payment details, a bank card will be enough, LinkedIn Ads will charge your investment on the platform.

It typically takes 24-48 hours for a campaign to be reviewed and approved by the LinkedIn team. Approval time may take longer if the campaign requires additional manual review by the LinkedIn team. Trust our expertise, we know LinkedIn’s advertising policies.
