SEO positioning for media

Achieve maximum visibility for your digital assets.

Companies that have placed their trust in us

La verdad

Increase your audience

Search engine environments offer channels where online media can get traffic. We identify which topical subjects can increase your audience and page views in Google News, Featured News and Discover. Not to mention possible evergreen content niches aligned with the preferences of your audience that can provide a more stable and predictable traffic base for your media.

Why invest in media SEO?

More readers for your news

  • Get new readers
  • Identify key topics for your audience
  • Discover traffic increases
  • Build an evergreen traffic base

What is SEO for media?

What our service includes

Keyword research

We identify the current issues that interest your audience most and support you to define an editorial calendar that positions you in news and Discover.

Technical SEO audit for media

We review indexability, performance, news sitemaps and a long etcetera, so search engines find your latest news as soon as possible.

Architecture analysis

We check that the information architecture highlights topical content and verify it is correctly structured.

Relevance audit

We review the SEO fields and structure of the main templates to make them easy to index and interpret your content.

Editorial training

We train your editors to identify trends, publish the news already optimized and keep them updated.

Benchmarking and strategy

We help you identify your competitors, study their publishing strategies and design effective content plans.

Some of the platforms we work with


Our process

This is how we work on SEO for media

We accompany you in the day-to-day operations of the newsroom and provide support to the technical team.

  1. Initial Briefing

    We study competitors, technology platform and internal workflows to integrate into the newsroom.
  2. Audit

    We analyze aspects related to media positioning and internal workflows.
  3. Prioritization

    We order optimization tasks by assessing impact, difficulty and risk, in coordination with the technical team.
  4. Implementation and support

    We provide customized recommendations for each scenario and supervise their correct technical implementation.
  5. Impact

    We monitor the impact of the improvements implemented and the work of the editorial staff, offering adjustments when necessary.

“Human Level is a strategic partner for us, it allows us to gradually improve in all our organic traffic search processes. Their consulting work is vital for the growth of our company, as well as the advice they offer us at different stages of our new projects.”
Juan Ángel Hernández,
Managing Director of Investment Strategies

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question we haven’t answered? Do not hesitate to contact us.

Do you optimize every single news item we publish?

At Human Level, we believe that the most effective way is for the writers to generate the optimized content firsthand so that as soon as it is published it is ready to be positioned. In SEO for media whoever publishes first has more chances of success.

The content production of a newsroom is set by current events. We can help identify what topics are of most interest and how to work on them to have a better chance of getting traffic, but we always respect our clients’ editorial line.

Although most of a media’s traffic is generated by daily news, it is also important to study the viability of possible verticals with evergreen content that ensure a minimum of stable or recurring traffic.
