Digital marketing blog

Explore our resources on digital marketing, SEO, online advertising, usability, content marketing and much more.

Structured data equivalent to HTML5 semantic tags

The fact that there is structured data in that is equivalent or almost equivalent to HTML5 semantic tags, makes one suspect that this information may be important for Google’s spider (remember that is partly created by them).


CDN: when and how to use it?

Using a CDN (Content Delivery Network), is something to keep in mind when we want to improve the performance of a website, especially if we have many visits from multiple locations. But depending on how the website is programmed and the type of information it displays, we will be able to take more or less advantage of the features of this type of service.


Improve WPO with HTTP/2 Server Push

We are going to study an advanced WPO technique that, when properly used, will allow us to achieve a considerable improvement in WPO metrics for users who enter our site for the first time and without affecting, or even improving, those of recurring visitors. This is one of the enhancements offered by the relatively new […]


Fernando Maciá at EN@E Digital Meeting

Fernando Maciá participated on January 12 in EN@E Digital Meeting, the III edition of the Digital Marketing Congress organized by ENAE Business School. Fernando Maciá’s presentation dealt with User behavior as a relevant factor in SEO. Explore it in this post.


SEO Scraping with regular expressions and XPath

To perform technical audits we usually resort to crawlers or SEO tools that extract the tags involved in positioning such as title, meta tags, title hierarchy tags, etc. Generally, these tools such as Screaming Frog or Ryte extract a large number of these factors, but there are many types of sites and each of them has its peculiarities.
