SEO Dictionary

SEO Dictionary

Search engine optimization or SEO is perhaps one of the digital marketing strategies that has given rise to new uses for old words such as search, results or long tail.

An SEO professional must be familiar with terms and expressions such as algorithm, not provided, redirect, anchor text and many others.

Search engine optimization continues to be a digital marketing strategy with great growth potential, since it is part of the so-called inbound marketing and generates quality traffic at a low cost per acquisition. is the registration and management platform for .es domains that belongs to the organization that regulates these ccTLDs, This public business entity is attached to the Secretary of State for Telecommunications and the Information Society of the Ministry of Industry. is contained within the portal and allows you to perform the […]

Nofollow: attribute on links

The HTML nofollow attribute on links prevents the flow of popularity juice from the link source page to the link destination page. This means that the page receiving the link does not benefit in any way from the popularity or credibility of the page from which the link originates. Syntax: <a href=”” rel=”nofollow”>Anchor text</a> The […]

Non-branded SEO

What is non-branded SEO? We talk about non-branded SEO when we optimize websites based on keywords that users use in their search engine queries that do not include any brand name. That is, keywords targeted for positioning our business whose combinations do not include our domain or brand name. When it comes to keyword research, […]

Not provided

The concept of not provided refers to the impossibility, on the part of web traffic analytics systems, to identify the organic searches that users entered to find and visit a website. The term refers to the fact that this search is not provided by the search engine, so it cannot be picked up by the […]

Number of pages on a website

The number of pages on a website is the total number of URLs contained in a portal. Normally, those that are open to the public and that are – or we want them to be – accessible to search engines are quantified, and Intranet pages or the user’s private area, for example, are not taken […]

PageRank: what is it and how is it measured?

PageRank is a Google algorithm launched in 1999 by the company’s founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Its function was to measure the importance and quality of a web page in a range from 0 to 10, following several criteria that we will explain below. PageRank History The idea of PageRank is powerfully inspired by […]

Paid Media

Paid Media is any third-party channel that brands pay for in order to advertise or achieve their objectives. Read more in this post.

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Paid media concept in marketing represented with money

Result Pages (SERPS)

The SERPS (Search Engine Result Pages) are those pages that, after a search performed by the user in the search engine, the search engine offers as a result of that search. It is generally composed of ten links or websites on each page of organic results, that is, those that appear as a result of […]

  • Manuel
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What is the robots.txt file? Robots.txt is a text file with a .txt extension, which we create and upload to our website and use to prevent the robots of certain search engines from crawling content that we do not want them to index or display in their results. That is to say, it is a […]

Seasonal search

Seasonal searches are those term queries that have temporal fluctuations that are repeated in a similar way each year and usually coincide with seasons or dates. The most obvious examples are the searches related to summer and winter vacations, and the most deeply rooted cultural and commercial holidays in each country. In Spain, these could […]


What is seasonality? Seasonality is a factor that relates the increased demand for keyword searches to a specific time period, whether annual, monthly, weekly or hourly. There are many keywords that have a seasonality component, because they respond to needs that are more in demand in one period of time than another. They may comprise […]

Semantic field

  A semantic field is a set of words whose meaning is related in some way. The relationship can be of several types: Hyponymy: when one of the elements contains in itself the meaning of another. For example, they belong to the same semantic field: car, convertible, vehicle, saloon, coupe… Meronymy: each of the elements […]

Semi-generic keywords

What are semi-generic keywords Semi-generic keywords are terms with an average traffic potential and similar level of competition, whose optimization can bring significant levels of traffic to the portal. Traffic potential is an indicator offered by some tools such as Google AdWords Keyword Planner, SEMRush or Sistrix, where we go to do our keyword consulting. […]

SEO – search engine optimization

What is SEO SEO is an effective marketing strategy because users use search engines to discover new content and visit only those websites that appear in the top positions. Identifying what those searches are and achieving top rankings for them is the goal of SEO. And since we can’t pay Google to show us in […]

Server geolocation

The geolocation of a web server depends on the geographic assignment of its IP address. IP number ranges are geographically distributed and there are online functionalities that allow you to identify where a given IP address is geolocated. Although we might think that if we have our domain hosted by a Spanish Web hosting company […]


What is a sitemap? The sitemap is a file with a list of the pages that make up a website. Sitemap files facilitate the discovery and crawling of pages for search engine robots. They are also useful for comparing the number of pages indexed with the number of pages submitted in the sitemap, as we […]
