

What is a link for Google?

Discover with this post which links are detected by Google and which are not and how to correctly apply the Link Sculpting technique.

Structured data equivalent to HTML5 semantic tags

The fact that there is structured data in that is equivalent or almost equivalent to HTML5 semantic tags, makes one suspect that this information may be important for Google’s spider (remember that is partly created by them).

SEO Scraping with regular expressions and XPath

To perform technical audits we usually resort to crawlers or SEO tools that extract the tags involved in positioning such as title, meta tags, title hierarchy tags, etc. Generally, these tools such as Screaming Frog or Ryte extract a large number of these factors, but there are many types of sites and each of them has its peculiarities.

How to optimize a sitemap to improve indexing

The purpose of the sitemap file is to help search engines find and index the pages of your website. As a general rule, crawlers index all the pages they find, unless they include some kind of blocking instruction. In this article we tell you how you can optimize this file to improve the indexing of your site.

How to implement optimized pagination on your website

On websites we often find content that, due to its large extension, is presented on more than one page. For example, in online stores that have very extensive product listings. In this case, the articles are distributed in different pages, which end up forming a series of interrelated URLs.

How to improve the indexing of a website on Google

For a website to appear in the search results of a Google user, the prerequisite is that the pages of that site are included in the search engine’s index. Explained in a very general way, the process by which Google is able to display results after a query, is divided into three main phases:

Google technical guidelines update: crawl rendering

Google announced yesterday, through its Google Webmaster Central Blog, the update of some of its technical guidelines. These guidelines affect the way Google crawls the content of websites and has an effect on their ranking. If up to now Google crawled a website in a similar way as a text browser (e.g. Lynx), now Google […]

How does a search engine like Google work? – Part I: Indexing

Search engines or, as they are technically called, Information Retrieval Systems, are one of the great achievements of computer science and, more specifically, of the field of Artificial Intelligence. Today, no one can doubt its importance as an engine of the world economy. For many, its inner workings are an almost magical mystery. In this […]

Advantages and problems of tag systems

Everyone who has used content management systems such as WordPress will know about content tagging. In each entry we can define a list of terms separated by commas that will be associated to the tag. This is a functionality that is often used without any kind of control and, because a page is created for […]
