Web Development Dictionary

Web Development Dictionary

Online marketing combines traditional marketing concepts with technical terms from the software and hardware infrastructure on which the Internet and the Web environment are based.

For this reason, even non-technical professionals must know and correctly use common terms in the language of programmers and engineers, since in many cases they are related to functionalities and characteristics that can favor or condition the implementation of marketing strategies.

Concepts related to programming or Web servers acquire a special role in digital marketing strategies such as SEO or Web analytics.

Above the fold

Above the Fold is the part of the web page that is visible after loading. Although this term is currently used in the field of online marketing, it was already used in the field of print media to indicate whether an advertisement appeared in a place on the website visible without the need to scroll. […]


The term AJAX was coined in 2005 by UX designer Jesse James Garrett to describe an asynchronous request technology that was beginning to be used in services such as Google Maps and Gmail. Although ten years earlier, Microsoft had already created this technology under the name of Remote scripting with the first version of the […]

Black box algorithms

Black box is a technical term applied to the way a system is studied primarily in terms of its input and output characteristics. A black box algorithm is one in which the user cannot see the inner workings of the algorithm. All algorithms used by search engines are hidden.

Content Management System (CMS)

In the field of programming, a content manager system (CMS) is the application or software that allows us to create a website, as well as edit, modify and customize its content. They are therefore very complete and versatile software programs that facilitate the creation, management and administration of a website, with an interface that includes […]


A cookie is a small information file that is stored in the user’s browser when visiting a website. The main purpose of cookies is to remember the user’s settings and preferences, which makes browsing smoother and avoids repetitive tasks such as logging in whenever the user exits and re-enters the page where they are browsing. […]

Dedicated servers

Dedicated servers are so called when they are used exclusively by one user or company. In this case, the machines, licenses, etc., belong to the hosting company offering the hosting service, which also assumes the management of these servers and guarantees their uninterrupted operation. When choosing a dedicated server, it is very important to know […]

Dynamic HTML or DHTML

Dynamic HTML or DHTML, is the one that through the use of JavaScript is modified as the user interacts with it. The term is in disuse since anything done with JavaScript such as AJAX, animations, sliders, carousels, form validation, etc., is considered DHTML and practically all websites have dynamic elements. In addition, many of them […]

Google Search Console

We could define Google Search Console as a collection of free tools and resources provided by Google that is essential for anyone with a website, regardless of the type of content it offers. The tool allows us to monitor how Google sees our site, as well as helping us to detect and solve problems, thus improving optimization and organic presence.


The hosting or web hosting is a service that offers the user a virtual space to store information in the form of files, images, videos, etc. as, for example, the information of a web page. Hosting or web hosting is a service that offers the user a virtual space to store information. To publish a […]


Housing, also called colocation in English-speaking countries, refers to the possibility offered by the hosting company to host a client’s servers in its data center. In this modality, the client benefits from the security conditions, air conditioning, firewall or protection and connectivity of the data center, avoiding having to assume these expenses individually. Housing is […]


The HTML iframe tag is used to embed content from one web page within another. We show you how it is programmed and what effects it has on SEO.

Internationalized Domain Names (IDN)

Internationalized domain names are created to be able to contain characters outside the ASCII standard, such as accents, umlauts, the eñe or Russian, Chinese, Japanese or Arabic characters. The Domain Name System (DNS) standard only allows ASCII characters. It would be costly and problematic to change the standard worldwide, so without changing the DNS standard, […]

Meta refresh

The meta refresh is a method of instructing a browser to automatically refresh the current web page after a specified time interval. If a different URL is added in the content parameter, the browser will display the new address when refreshing. If the time interval is set to 0, the redirection occurs automatically as soon […]

Next and prev link elements

What are the next and prev link elements? The next and prev link elements are a markup suggestion for paging content that Google launched in December 2011. This markup takes the form of links and siven elements so that the search engine can distinguish which pages belong to the same series and their order. As […]


The term rendering is applied in computing in those cases in which the computer draws, paints or represents something on the screen. In a web page, the rendering of the page occurs when it is visited and its content is painted on the screen. It also happens when using a tool such as mobile friendly test […]

Rendered web content


What is the robots.txt file? Robots.txt is a text file with a .txt extension, which we create and upload to our website and use to prevent the robots of certain search engines from crawling content that we do not want them to index or display in their results. That is to say, it is a […]
