Web Development Dictionary

Web Development Dictionary

Online marketing combines traditional marketing concepts with technical terms from the software and hardware infrastructure on which the Internet and the Web environment are based.

For this reason, even non-technical professionals must know and correctly use common terms in the language of programmers and engineers, since in many cases they are related to functionalities and characteristics that can favor or condition the implementation of marketing strategies.

Concepts related to programming or Web servers acquire a special role in digital marketing strategies such as SEO or Web analytics.

Shared server

Shared servers, also called shared web hosting, are the best option to start having a website. Generally, at the beginning, the traffic of a website will not require the capacity of a dedicated server or housing. It will also not take up much space and is not likely to be a complex application, so a […]


WordPress is a free content management system (CMS) that can be used to create websites, blogs and even applications. When we talk about websites, we refer to corporate websites, online stores, company directories, etc. It is a tool that has been developed in PHP language and for it to work we need a MySQL database […]


XML, an acronym for eXtensible Markup Language, is a markup language designed to be easy to use by both machines and humans. A markup language is a language that adds markup, tags or elements to a document to add additional information to it. So XML is a computer language for markup but not for programming. […]
