SEO avanzado – Casi todo lo que sé sobre posicionamiento Web

SEO Avanzado

SEO Avanzado – Casi todo lo que sé sobre posicionamiento Web is the latest book published by Fernando Maciá. Published by Anaya Multimedia in March 2020, it gathers twenty years of experience of one of the pioneers of SEO in Spain.
Portada del libro SEO Avanzado

The reader who has read any of his previous books will find an equally rigorous and clear work, written from experience, with close examples, contrasted references and easy-to-follow explanations. Dozens of case studies illustrate each concept and make it easy for the reader to transfer what they have learned to their own specific project. And numerous resources and links are included so that the reader who wishes to delve even deeper can find out how to do so.
Cubiertas del libro SEO Avanzado


Since Google became the search engine of reference at the beginning of the new millennium, a large part of the world’s Web traffic is decided on its results pages. The struggle to appear in the top positions for certain searches has given rise to a highly valued and recognized professional activity by companies: that of the SEO consultant. A profile with a high labor demand and in which the still relatively few experts enjoy a great competitive advantage.

SEO avanzado: casi todo lo que sé de posicionamiento Web focuses on the most advanced and innovative aspects of natural positioning: identification and solution of indexability problems, advanced use of analysis tools, content strategies oriented to visibility, adaptation to mobile-first indexing, deployment of international versions, indexability of developments with JavaScript platforms, optimization adapted to neural-matching, voice search…

In 416 pages and more than 110,000 words, Fernando Maciá gathers the essentials of Human Level’s work methodology. The book includes over 150 footnote references, multiple additional references at the end of each chapter along with many more throughout the text. It includes 170 illustrations and screenshots to illustrate the different concepts.

The foreword is written by Juan González, Head of Marketing at Sistrix Gmbh, one of the most widely accepted SEO tools worldwide.

The initial approach for the book dates back to May 2019 and the bulk of the content was written between September 2019 and February 2020.


Fernando Maciá is the author of the best-selling books in Spanish on digital marketing and founder and director of Human Level, a leading search engine marketing consultancy. He is also an internationally recognized trainer and disseminator and since 2001 has spread his knowledge about SEO, Web analytics and digital marketing in ten books, numerous technical articles and nearly 400 courses, lectures and events in Spain, Italy, Germany and Latin America.

Other books

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Libro Marketing en Redes Sociales
Libro de Técnicas Avanzadas de Posicionamiento en Buscadores (2015)
Portada de Marketing online 2.0 de Fernando Maciá
