SEO Técnicas Avanzadas

SEO – Técnicas avanzadas

Fernando Maciá brings to this book fifteen years of experience, proposing a positioning methodology backed by the success of its practical application in hundreds of international projects.
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Internet search engines are the great generators of profitable visits for most websites. Organic positioning – appearing among the first positions in the searches of our potential customers – is the most cost-effective way to bring quality traffic to our online projects.

Search engines such as Google, Bing, Baidu or Yandex are the gateway to the network for most users and refer hundreds of millions of visits daily. These search engines are constantly updating their algorithms to be more accurate in their results and to defend themselves against unethical positioning techniques. More and more online marketers need advanced SEO knowledge to stand out from their competition, while respecting search engine guidelines. Fernando Maciá brings to this book fifteen years of experience, proposing a positioning methodology backed by the success of its practical application in hundreds of international projects.

More and more online marketers need advanced SEO skills to stand out from their competition, while respecting search engine guidelines. Fernando Maciá brings to this book fifteen years of experience, proposing a positioning methodology backed by the success of its practical application in hundreds of international projects.


Fernando Maciá is director of Human Level Communications. SEO – Técnicas Avanzadas is the eighth book he has published with Anaya Multimedia and the third one on his own, after being the author of Técnicas avanzadas de posicionamiento en buscadores y Marketing Online 2.0 and co-author of Posicionamiento en Buscadores, Marketing Online, Posicionamiento en Buscadores Ed. 2009 and Marketing con Redes Sociales. He is a regular speaker at events related to search engine marketing and online marketing in general, and participates as a lecturer in master’s degree programs at several Spanish and Latin American universities.

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