Estrategias de marketing digital

Estrategias de marketing digital

Estrategias de marketing digital is the penultimate book by Fernando Maciá. Published by Anaya Multimedia in 2018, it approaches digital marketing from an eminently practical perspective.
Libro Estrategias de Marketing Digital

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Online marketing has come of age. Both because chronologically it deserves it, as well as because of the current prominence of the
different online strategies within the marketing mix of any company. Online marketing is not only here to stay, but to take over from traditional marketing with the drive and strength of youth.

If you believe that today’s marketing landscape demands a reaction from you, if you believe that your business needs to take full advantage of online marketing opportunities, this book will be the catalyst that accelerates that reaction and helps you move faster in your professional or business evolution.

If you are looking for an introduction to digital marketing from a global point of view to understand what role each strategy plays within a company’s marketing mix, this text will also be particularly useful. With the firm intention of moving away from other more academic works that focus on digital marketing as a theoretical object of study, these pages are intended to be, instead, a guidance and support for your businessa source of inspiration from which many moments of the type arise: “Gee, I can do this in my company too!”.

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Fernando Maciá Domene is recognized as a pioneer of digital marketing and one of the “fathers of SEO” in Spain. After ten years of experience in the world of communication and advertising, at the end of the 90’s he designed his first Web sites and decided to bet on the Internet.

In 2001 he discovered SEO from pioneers such as Danny Sullivan and Chris Sherman. It was love at first sight, which led to the creation of his consultancy Human Level Communications (, one of the most prestigious SEO/SEM agencies with the longest track record in Spain.

Since 2006, Fernando Maciá has written three other books and co-authored six more, all related to search engine optimization, online marketing and social media. He is one of the best-selling authors in his field in Spanish.

Currently, he combines his work as director of Human Level and expert SEO consultant with an intense teaching activity in business schools and universities in Spain and Latin America, and with frequent participation as a speaker at industry events.

Other books

Portada del libro SEO Avanzado
Libro Marketing en Redes Sociales
Libro de Técnicas Avanzadas de Posicionamiento en Buscadores (2015)
Lecturas imprescindibles: Marketing Online 2.0 de Fernando Maciá Domene
