What is Social Commerce?

In our series of articles on social networks and online marketing, we are going to talk about Social Commerce. According to the VII Study of Social Networks 2017, 53% of the surveyed sample claims to use social networks to search for products or services before making a purchase and 39% express their opinions about them in some social network. Do you want to know more about this phenomenon?

How do I create and set up a Google Merchant account?

Google Merchant is the tool that Google makes available to all those professionals and companies that market tangible products through the Internet, providing them with a platform created to manage Google Shopping ads. Find out here how to set up your Google Merchant account.

How to improve the indexing of a website on Google

For a website to appear in the search results of a Google user, the prerequisite is that the pages of that site are included in the search engine’s index. Explained in a very general way, the process by which Google is able to display results after a query, is divided into three main phases:

Google AdWords search terms report: what can we do with it?

The search terms report is a list of words in which the different terms that have triggered our ads are collected. This is a complementary tool to the “Keywords” tab of our Google AdWords campaigns that provides us with the following information: General information about the keyword we are bidding on that has triggered the […]

What is structured data and schema.org?

Structured data consists of a series of tags that describe the content found on a web page. This data makes the robots’ job easier so that it is easier to know what to index and provides the kind of highly organized information that is usually found in most databases.

How to develop a successful mobile strategy in Google Ads?

In online advertising it is very common to find strategic approaches with a global focus, in which all media are approached in the same way. However, the reality for consumers is quite different, as a smartphone or tablet user does not behave or usually have the same intention as a desktop user. We found some […]

How to manage your domain and its DNS configuration during a migration

How to manage DNS registration in a migration: Check that your website is working properly on the new hosting. Check the website on the new hosting by putting the domain in the browser. Have your domain resolve to the new IP once you have verified that the website is working properly. Modify, if necessary, the […]

6 ways to lower your CPC by optimizing your landing page

If you want a low cost Google Adwords campaign with which you can achieve a high number of conversions at the same time, you have to do a lot of things right: You have to have a well structured campaign with the right number of keywords. You need to create “magnetic” ads and increase CTR. Also…

ASO Guide: optimize your mobile application in app stores

In our series of articles on mobile marketing, we talk about mobile application optimization. ASO is the acronym used for App Store Optimization and is used to optimize your app in the various app stores. Do you want to know how to apply this knowledge? Continue reading…

Understanding the AdWords quality score

When we start using Google AdWords, something to keep in mind is the so-called quality score. We should use it as an account diagnostic tool, not as a KPI. In this article I explain in a simple way why it is important to be attentive to it….

Mobile SEO: SEMrush Roundtable

Last June, Fernando Maciá participated in a roundtable organized by SEMrush (via Google Hangouts) together with SEO experts Natzir Turrado, Fernando Angulo and Gianluca Fiorelli to talk about SEO for mobile. Mobile SEO The first question posed to the marketing strategists was what people should be doing on their websites right now in terms of […]
