Technical SEO

Technical SEO

Let’s Encrypt, free SSL certificates for your web with HTTPS

Let’s Encrypt is a free certifying entity endorsed by large companies in the industry that allows us to obtain SSL certificates for our website through HTTPS without having to pay for it.
What is SSL? SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a protocol by which users of a website are guaranteed that all data entered on the page or transactions that take place on the site are secure.

What are Web Components and what do they consist of?

If you haven’t heard of them yet, read on, because the next tag you don’t recognize in HTML is likely to be a Web Componentsince allow developers to invent labels new HTML, with their own functionalities and allow for the client code encapsulationThis was not possible until now.   What they consist of The Web […]


Desktop sharing, multi-conferencing, secure and instant file sending to friends, Webinar applications, sharing videos or audio recordings captured directly from your phone, eye tracking to perform a test of usabilityThe new system allows you to play online multiplayer video games in real time and even controlled with hand movements, log in through face recognition, capture […]

HTTP/2 protocol standard approved

After more than 15 years without a new version of the HTTP protocol, the director of the IETF, Mark Nottinghan, tells us in his blog that today the new version of the HTTP/2 protocol has been approved, whose RFC is pending publication. The HTTP protocol is the application layer header that is sent in all […]

Gzip compression in depth

The gzip compression should be a basic requirement for any hosting who wants to offer a good service. However, there are many who do not activate or configure their servers correctly to offer the best performance. It is quite common to find ourselves in the situation that we have to configure it, at domain level, […]

Database optimization

I already mentioned in another post about images and WPO that the factors that most often affect the overall load time are the images in the front-end and the database access in the back-end. Today we are going to talk about database optimization. Optimizing data access is vital to page load time, as it is […]

Optimization of images for the Web

If we want a profitable Web, it is essential to have a good performance. To give you an idea, when Amazon reduces the loading time by 100 milliseconds, their revenue increases by 1%, which means significant sums of money for them. There are many factors that can be optimized to achieve shorter load times, but […]

How to configure Internet Information Server (IIS) to improve the performance and SEO of your website

Optimally configuring the web server on which you host your website is one of the key factors in the performance of your website. Correctly setting the parameters for compressing and caching files can significantly improve the loading speed of your page. In this article I will explain how to configure Internet Information Server (IIS), one […]

What are cookies and how do they work?

What are cookies and how do they work? A cookie or computer cookie is a small file with information that is stored in the user’s browser when visiting a website and in which the user’s settings and preferences or the status of the browsing session, such as whether or not the user is logged in, […]

How to optimize the loading time of your website

In my previous article, I analyzed how the loading speed of your web page affects SEO different measurement tools and the various factors that influence response time. In this article I will discuss the improvements that can be made in each of the steps of a request to your website to reduce the loading time […]

Indexable and accessible AJAX

AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript and XML) is a combination of technologies that allows reloading parts of a page, thus avoiding having to reload an entire page. This technology can always be implemented in a way that makes it indexable, and with HTML5, we can make it accessible. To illustrate the explanation, let’s suppose we have a […]

Procedural textures with the HTML5 canvas element

The HTML5 canvas element is a major advance in the graphical aspect of the Web. Its possibilities are endless, so before we get into it, I will expose a few examples of using this HTML5 canvas, but keep in mind that the limit of this technology is only in the imagination: You can make an […]
