Interview with Fernando Maciá for Café Digital

Aurora Maciá

Written by Aurora Maciá

Fernando Maciá, founder of Human Level Communications, was interviewed online by Café Digital on the occasion of his participation as a speaker at the International Workshop on Web Positioning in Paraguay next November. Fernando answered a series of questions, here is a brief summary of his answers.

What is SEO?

SEO is an online marketing strategy that allows us to attract quality traffic to our website by studying the searches made by users in search engines such as Google. Being at the top of the search results has become critical for online businesses, as it is the best way to get visitors to our website.

Why don’t many people take advantage of SEO to expand on the Internet?

There may be companies that do not consider their presence on the Internet necessary yet. However, more and more business sectors are turning to online buying and selling, so businesses are gradually discovering the great potential of this medium. Within online marketing strategies, search engine optimization is one of the most important, since many people have a search engine as a default page in their browser and, therefore, it is the place from where the user begins to move around the network. In addition, compared to other digital marketing strategies, SEO is the one that generates the greatest benefit by having a lower cost per visit acquisition. SEO should be the ground from which we will optimize the traffic that comes to our website from other more expensive strategies (AdWords, remarketing, e-mail marketing, etc.).

SEO benefits and advantages for the tourism and business sector

Fernando points out x main advantages or benefits when implementing SEO in the tourism and business sector.

The first is that it attracts quality traffic that is interested in what I offer at the time they need it. We will be visible when we are sought as a response to a need.

The second is what it contributes in relation to company positioning. Many users associate the fact that a company appears in the first results with that company being better than those positioned below it.

Thirdly, SEO studies the demand in depth, analyzes what the target wants and how it wants it. In this way, it offers us the keys to the content that we must generate to adapt our offer and satisfy this demand. This content will optimize conversion, causing that initial search to transform into a purchase, a request for a quote, a reservation, etc.

New algorithms and penalties

As long as search engines remain the most effective way for users to find content, users will continue to prioritize them over any other online marketing strategy. And search engines spend large amounts of money to maintain this “good reputation”. If the results they offer us are not satisfactory, search engines know that we would quickly replace them with another medium that does meet our expectations.

This is the main reason why Google and other search engines fight any strategy that wants to trick them by positioning poor quality content over other more valid content. To do so, they are constantly updating their algorithm (Panda, Penguin, etc.) in order to neutralize these black hat or unethical strategies. The reaction time of search engines to black hat is getting smaller and smaller, so it is not worth trying to “sneak it” to Google. Fernando recommends white hat, the implementation of SEO strategies that search engines will not identify as fraudulent.

What is the SEO Workshop in Paraguay?

Fernando provides a brief summary of the main contents of the Advanced SEO Workshop. All phases of SEO work will be reviewed: identification of search targets, indexability audit, relevance consulting and content viralization through social networks. Aspects to take into account from the point of view of international SEO, mobile SEO and local SEO will also be discussed.

Exclusive consulting

During the Workshop, Fernando Maciá will analyze websites, identifying the main problems of each one of them and will offer a 2-hour consulting session, suggesting improvement proposals and providing differential advantages to the companies that hire this private “SEO clinic” service.

About the book SEO: Advanced Techniques

Fernando expresses his gratitude for the reception of his eighth book SEO: Técnicas Avanzadas, which will be on sale during the Paraguay Workshop. The book can complement the Workshop, as it is very up to date and can serve as a kind of notes. The author previews some of the contents that can be found in the book, such as the two chapters in which the relevance has been broken down, leaving one dedicated exclusively to information architecture.

Is SEO profitable?

SEO is not only cost effective, it is the lowest cost per acquisition traffic attraction strategy, it is the natural traffic threshold for your website. It generates results and generates quality traffic that converts well. Moreover, these results persist over time, unlike what happens in the case of an advertising campaign, and give us a competitive advantage that will generate greater profitability for my website.

Finally, Fernando is grateful for the support received from the people who follow him from the other side of the ocean and encourages them to attend the Workshop to greet them personally.

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Aurora Maciá
Aurora Maciá
Brand Manager at Human Level. Graduated in Audiovisual Communication with a Master in UX/UI. Specialist in UX/UI design and video and image editing. She is also Notion certified and works tirelessly to improve internal processes and the Human Level virtual office in Notion.

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