Presentation by Fernando Maciá at FTVA 2017

Aurora Maciá

Written by Aurora Maciá

Fernando Maciá, director of Human Level, was once again invited as a speaker at the Aragón Virtual Shops Fair, held on April 7th of this year. Here is the video and below is a summary of the presentation.

Traditional” content marketing

The content of a website is the raw material that SEO can best take advantage of. Traditional content marketing has always relied on creating, publishing and sharing content to get visibility for your brand. Their strategies have focused on creating or building community loyalty, answering customer questions only after the purchase decision, converting customers into prescribers (post-conversion) and getting buzz on social networks, but not links on other websites. Therefore, “traditional” content marketing covers only part of the conversion funnel, as it has failed to influence the customer prior to their purchase decision.

SEO-oriented content marketing

This strategy does not seek to replace the traditional one, but to redirect it. It aims to attract new visitors and, at the same time, prevent the departure of current visitors. It also tries to answer the potential customer’s doubts before the purchase decision and to increase the visibility of the website for multiple keywords. Finally, it will also pursue the creation of unique, quality content that generates links and thematic authority.


Through Just-in-time content. We must accompany the user in what is known as the “customer journey” trying to answer any questions that may arise and redirecting them at all times to the purchase decision. Next, Fernando explains the main features of Just-in-Time content.

  • Content that the user searches for and generates quality visits.
  • Makes us more viral than our competitors
  • Helps the user to make a purchase decision
  • Attracts visitors and drives them to conversion
  • Drive conversion funnel exits back to the buying process
  • It is visible content for customers even when they are not looking for us.
  • Generates resonance in social networks and links on other Web sites

Next, Fernando points out the different phases of a content marketing strategy focused on SEO.

Identify all possible searches that could attract quality traffic along the customer journey

  • To do this, we must study what and how our buyer persona searches, taking into account the most popular searches related to our product.
  • These searches can be performed in the form of a question. If I include a “FAQs” or “frequently asked questions” section on my website, I can anticipate and answer those questions, resulting in a better positioning.

Identify searches where the competition is not (yet) present. Or do better than them

  • Using tools such as SEMRush, we can compare our visibility with that of our competitors, see for which words they are well positioned, what kind of strategy they are using, etc.
  • Creating evergreen content such as dictionaries can significantly help your website traffic.

Identify searches that the user needs to answer before making a purchase decision

  • We have to study what motivates and what concerns the customer when making a purchase decision. The question and answer sections, opinions, comments, forums, etc. can provide this information. Likewise, tools such as Buzzsumo can reveal the popularity of a topic on social networks.
  • The aforementioned FAQs or blog-type sections will improve our visibility by answering user concerns. We will also include in this FAQ section a call to conversion in order not to lose the customer.

Generate related content that drives visits to transactional pages and attracts lots of links

  • Support the most isolated landing pages with multiple contents (blog, videos, etc.) that will generate interactions in social networks and links. These contents will again be a call to conversion, monetizing those visits.
  • In Majestic we can analyze which contents generate more links.

Achieving visibility to potential customers even if they are not looking for us

  • It is necessary to study the way in which the customer searches for topics related to our product, taking advantage of these anticipatory searches.
  • Again, glossaries and dictionaries will improve visibility in related searches and generate links.

Integrate marketing into the information architecture to present all possible alternatives (Just-in-Time content) and redirect outputs back to the conversion funnel

  • We can extend our visibility and generate content that will rank for each search. In addition, we can foresee the navigation route that the customer is going to take and foresee at each point what doubts the user might have. If we offer answers and different options, the user does not leave our website and will return in the conversion funnel.
  • In Analytics we can analyze user exit points and internal searches to figure out what we should add to our website.

Achieve resonant content that attracts links and mentions

  • Generate viral content and newshacking. We can use tools such as BlogsterApp to improve dissemination.

To sum up…

Fernando ends his presentation by summarizing the content of the presentation in a few brief tips. He recommends thinking “out-of-the-box”, to discover original and resonant content and formats, identify searches where competitors are not present or, if they are, do better than them, identify searches that the user needs to answer before making a purchase decision, generate related content that drives visits to transactional pages, achieve visibility for potential customers even if they are not searching for us and integrate content into the AI to attract visits and avoid abandonment.

The presentation was followed by a round of questions.

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Aurora Maciá
Aurora Maciá
Brand Manager at Human Level. Graduated in Audiovisual Communication with a Master in UX/UI. Specialist in UX/UI design and video and image editing. She is also Notion certified and works tirelessly to improve internal processes and the Human Level virtual office in Notion.


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