Web development

Web development

Web predictions for 2014

May you live in interesting times! This Chinese curse appears frequently in books and articles in different areas of IT, referring to how fast the industry changes, forcing programmers to constantly acquire new knowledge and update applications. Websites, of course, are no exception; on the contrary, it is one of the fastest evolving areas of […]

3D arrives to the web!

3D graphics, when used well, can be a good marketing tool, as they can enhance design, showcase products for sale or create surprising effects that guide users towards conversion goals. Throughout the history of the Web, several proprietary and open technologies have emerged that could display 3D graphics (3DXML, VRML, X3D, Flash, Silverlight, Java, etc.), […]

What are cookies and how do they work?

What are cookies and how do they work? A cookie or computer cookie is a small file with information that is stored in the user’s browser when visiting a website and in which the user’s settings and preferences or the status of the browsing session, such as whether or not the user is logged in, […]

Does my website comply with the cookie law?

Many companies ask us if their website complies with the current law on cookies, for this reason I decided to write an article that brings together all the interesting information on this tricky subject. What is a cookie? A cookie (in the computer field) is a small file that websites store in the user’s browser […]

How to avoid hacker attacks on a website?

In order to implement Webs with a good level of security it is necessary to know how they can be attacked. It should also be borne in mind that, even if the Web is totally secure, new attacks may emerge over time that can penetrate the defenses that have been set up. The best thing […]

Indexable and accessible AJAX

AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript and XML) is a combination of technologies that allows reloading parts of a page, thus avoiding having to reload an entire page. This technology can always be implemented in a way that makes it indexable, and with HTML5, we can make it accessible. To illustrate the explanation, let’s suppose we have a […]

What is Responsive Web Design and how can it improve your SEO?

What is Responsive Web Design? The responsive web design or adaptive web design is a web design technique in which a fluid structure is used. This makes it possible for the content of the page to adapt according to the resolution of the visitor’s screen, allowing them to browse the web more comfortably regardless of […]

How to choose my domain

The choice of a good domain will help us a lot in achieving the objectives of our Web project, so we must take our time when deciding which will be the winning domain. The selection of domains begins by generating a list of candidate domains with the following premises in mind: Key aspects for the […]

Procedural textures with the HTML5 canvas element

The HTML5 canvas element is a major advance in the graphical aspect of the Web. Its possibilities are endless, so before we get into it, I will expose a few examples of using this HTML5 canvas, but keep in mind that the limit of this technology is only in the imagination: You can make an […]

How to measure and improve web performance

A website always involves an investment of resources that is only justified to the extent that it fulfills its objectives. But are you clear about the objectives of your website? More importantly, do you know how to measure and improve the degree to which your website is achieving its goals? The management of traditional economy […]
