How to promote new products through Facebook Ads

Fernando Maciá

Written by Fernando Maciá

New products give online stores a fresh look. Thanks to them, shoppers see that the store is updated, provide more shopping options and complete the catalog. However, product creation comes at a high cost, which is paid for over time. Choosing the images, preparing a careful description or calculating an appropriate price can be quite a lot of work, so you cannot allow these products to end up ostracized and the work done to fall on deaf ears. To amortize this cost, the article must have visits and sales. However, since it is new content, it usually takes some time to be positioned and therefore, to obtain visibility in search engines that allow you to obtain visits.

It is important to give visibility to new products in order to make them relevant and thus recover the time invested in their creation and insertion in the store.

In order to make users aware of new items, several strategies can be applied, including tasks such as having a section focused exclusively on new items, adding new products to the front page, sending a newsletter with these products, etc. In many e-commerce platforms you will be able to apply these strategies without any previous knowledge or installation of additional modules.

Next we are going to discuss another strategy that, in addition to giving visibility to new products, will allow us to show them to users who are likely to be interested in them and who are also potential customers. To do this we will create a Facebook Ads campaign, oriented to a target audience suitable for the product.

News section of an OptimizedStores store

To facilitate the process, the article has been divided into three simple steps that will help achieve the objective of this post.

1. Selection of the product to which we want to give visibility.

First we will choose the product (product, family, brand, etc.). This is a key point, since there are items that work very well on social networks and others for which it is difficult to create engagement, such as office wastepaper baskets. In this case we are going to use a nice carry-on suitcase.

Example of product to promote on Facebook Ads

This is a very interesting product. In addition to having several colors with which we can test with the images of the ads, most people like to travel, so it fits very well with the public that we can find on Facebook. As an additional tip, taking advantage of the advertising that is going to be made of the product, we will provide a plus of interest if we add a punctual offer or a special promotion and in this way we will be able to attract more, if possible, the user’s attention.

Selection of the target audience

The target audience are those users to whom the advertisement will be shown. As discussed above, we have two objectives. The first is to publicize the new product and the second is that people who see the ad may find it interesting and buy it. To achieve these goals we will choose from among all Facebook users those who we believe may be interested in the chosen article.

One tool that can be very useful is the Facebook audience builder provided by Facebook. It should be noted that, although the country can be configured in the utility, some data is only available for the USA. To advertise the suitcase, the most basic data will be used, however, if we look closely we can obtain very interesting information that we could use to deepen the segmentation and optimization of the campaign.

Now let’s get the audience that we think may be of most interest. The most important data we have selected are:

  • Country: where the suitcases are sold, in this case Spain.
  • Interests: as it is a special carry-on suitcase to be carried inside airplanes, we can choose a more specific interest than “travel”, as it happens to be “airplane travel”, very appropriate in this case.
  • Behaviors: although the previous segmentation is very good, to refine it even more, we will target users who are likely to make a trip soon, adding the option “Used travel application (1 month)”.
  • Language: we will choose ‘Spanish (all)’, since the store is only in this language and the announcements will also be in Spanish.

The other data have been left as default and, although more segmentations can be configured and we could spend hours and hours creating audiences, for this example the selected ones are enough.

Example of audiences in Facebook Ads

As can be seen in the screenshot, after applying all the configurations, the target audience is between 30,000 and 35,000 users, a very interesting number to whom we will show our new product and, due to the chosen segmentations, it will surely arouse their interest. Now all that remains is to save the audience so that we can use it in our campaign.

3. Creation of the campaign

In the Facebook Ads platform, we will choose as the campaign objective “Increase conversions on your website” and as the web address a specific page where the product is located, in this case the hand luggage.

Create Facebook Ads campaign

Now we will load the target audience that we had previously saved.

Target audience selection for Facebook Ads campaign

At the bottom of the same page we can find the investment budget configuration. This configuration is specific to each strategy, sector, audience and product or service. With the information provided by the platform we will compare the results we can obtain, such as the number of visits or the diffusion of the ads, with our objectives to know if we can obtain the results we are looking for.

Facebook Ads investment budget

For example, if the bid is €0.01 per click and we want to get 500 visits per day, our daily budget will be €5.

Finally we will create the ads. The most recommended is to have a wide variety of ads to see which ones work best and thus be able to obtain the best results. If you want to go a step further, you can segment ad groups by age and gender.

Creation of ads in Facebook Ads

We already have the campaign set up and running. Thanks to it, that new product that we have in our online store and nobody knew about will receive significant visibility in the form of visits that, over time, we hope will become sales.

And you, what strategies do you use to promote your new products? You can leave your experiences in the comments section.


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Fernando Maciá
Fernando Maciá
Founder and CEO of Human Level. Expert SEO consultant with more than 20 years of experience. He has been a professor at numerous universities and business schools, and director of the Master in Professional SEO and SEM and the Advanced SEO Course at KSchool. Author of a dozen books on SEO and digital marketing.

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