Table of contents

About the authors


What will you find in this book?
Who is this book aimed at?

Chapter 1. Why an Internet marketing plan?

1.1. Online marketing pills

1.2. Evolution of the environment: Towards Web 2.0

1.2.1. From potential customers to many target audiences
1.2.2. Diversification of traffic sources
1.2.3. Content generation and dissemination is decentralized.
1.2.4. From page views to the conversion funnel

1.3. The on-line marketing plan: The roadmap for navigating turbulent waters

1.3.1. Definition of objectives: Starting point of any marketing plan

Your Website must also have tactical objectives to be met and a way to evaluate them.

1.3.2. Definition of target audiences
1.3.3. Definition of tactical objectives

Objectives for the target audience “Potential customers”.
Objectives for the target audience “Current customers”.
Objectives for the target audience “Distributors

1.4. Choosing the right strategy for each objective

1.4.1. Traffic attraction: SEO, SEM and banner ads
1.4.2. Converting traffic into customers: Usability and design
1.4.3. Customer loyalty or permission marketing
1.4.4. Conversion of loyal customers into prescribers
1.4.5. Establishing a virtuous circle

1.5. Allocating resources and deadlines

1.6. How to measure the success of our online marketing plan

1.6.1. Identifying Key Performance Indicators
1.6.2. Measuring Web performance

Interpreting Traffic Statistics: From Data to Knowledge

1.7. It’s time to start

Chapter 2. From the Web-Showcase to the Online Business Unit

2.1. Pills on the evolution of the company’s presence on the Web

2.2. Keys to a high-performance Website

2.2.1. Usability
2.2.2. Indexability
2.2.3. Sociability
2.2.4. Accessibility and compatibility

2.3. Creating a Website: Content management systems or custom development

2.3.1. Custom Website development

Supplier selection
Programming rights
Server technologies
Definition of specifications
Timeline and follow-up
Development phases
Project acceptance
Warranties and maintenance

2.3.2. Website development with content management system (CMS)
2.3.3. Make the content management system the best SEO tool

2.4. How to choose a good domain

2.5. How to decide where to host your online business

2.5.1. Housing, dedicated servers or shared servers
2.5.2. Domain and hosting: Where do you want to geolocate your website?
2.5.3. So… where is my Web?

2.6. Resources on Website creation

Chapter 3. Web Usability

3.1. Web usability pills

3.2. What is usability and why is it important for your Website?

3.2.1. Focus of the new Website
3.2.2. What is usability and why is it important for your Website?

Specific users
Achieving objectives
Scenarios of use
User satisfaction/positive user experience

3.2.3. User-centered Web design

3.3. Analysis

3.4. Information architecture

3.4.1. Types of structure for a Website

The sequential model
The hierarchical model
The network model

3.4.2. Conceptual design from card sorting
3.4.3. Content organization on the server

Copying Tom Thumb

3.5. Visual design and page structure

3.6. Evaluation of prototypes

3.6.1. Heuristic analysis
3.6.2. Evaluation with users

3.7. Implementation and publication
3.8. Web usability references and resources

Chapter 4. Web accessibility and compatibility

4.1. Pills on accessibility and Web compatibility
4.2. What is Web accessibility?
4.3. Main access limitations

4.4. Web accessibility guidelines

4.4.1. Who must comply with the accessibility guidelines
4.4.2. Quick reference list of WCAG guidelines
4.4.3. Criteria for compliance with accessibility guidelines
4.4.4. Accessibility guidelines, a legal requirement pending implementation

4.5. Benefits of respecting accessibility recommendations
4.6. Web accessibility testing tools

4.6.1. TAW: Web Accessibility Test
4.6.2. HERA: Web Accessibility Test

4.7. Basic Web accessibility recommendations
4.8. References and resources on Web accessibility and compatibility

Chapter 5. Conversion: How to convert Web visitors into profitable customers?

5.1. Web Conversion Pills
5.2. Understanding Conversion: The Conversion Funnel
5.3. General aspects that a Website that converts should have
5.4. Information architecture of a Website that converts visitors into customers

5.4.1. How to improve conversion on my website? Applying the shopping mall model
5.4.2. The home page of a site that converts

Minimum requirements for a home page that motivates the user

5.4.3. The product or service data sheet page that leads to a sale

What elements should this product page have?

5.4.4. Internal search engines that make life easier for users

What do we recommend that an internal search engine that converts visitors into customers should have?

5.4.5. Landing page: The page built to receive potential customers

What elements must a landing page meet to be effective?

5.4.6. Shopping carts and forms that are not demotivating

Contact form design guidelines
Shopping cart programming guidelines

5.4.7. Functionalities and content that increase conversion

5.5. How to write the contents of our Website to convert visitors into customers?

5.5.1. Use familiar texts, similar to those used by our customers.
5.5.2. Content localization versus content translation
5.5.3. Content structure that convinces our visitors
5.5.4. Use of objection and counter-objection theory

5.6. Tests to improve conversion

5.6.1. Define the target pages of the study
5.6.2. Define the hypotheses for our tests
5.6.3. Apply the tests with the appropriate tools

A/B testing
Multivariate test (MVT)

5.7. Recommended tools for conversion page testing

5.7.1. Google Website Optimizer: The conversion tool to start with
5.7.2. Eye Tracking: Measuring where the eye lands in front of a Web page
5.7.3. ClickTale: Analyzing Web Traffic through Video
5.7.4. Heuristic analysis: Experts analyzing portal usability
5.7.5. Usability test: The user’s opinion
5.7.6. Website surveys: The cheapest technique

5.8. Success stories: Websites focused on conversion
5.9. Web Conversion Resources and Resources

Chapter 6. Website promotion

6.1. The fourth P of Internet marketing
6.2. Cost models in online marketing

6.2.1. Cost per print
6.2.2. Cost per click or visit (CPC)
6.2.3. Cost per lead (CPL)
6.2.4. Cost per acquisition (CPA)
6.2.5. Cost per influence

6.3. How to promote my Website with traditional offline tools?
6.4. Internet marketing tools

6.4.1. Internet marketing tools to enhance branding
6.4.2. Online tools to increase qualified visitor traffic
6.4.3. Tools to increase the conversion of qualified traffic into customers
6.4.4. Loyalty building tools: repeat customers
6.4.5. Tools to turn my Website into a market survey
6.4.6. Tools to convert loyal customers into prescribers

6.5. A single tool or a mix of tools

Chapter 7. Natural positioning in search engines

7.1. Natural search engine optimization pills
7.2. What is natural search engine optimization?
7.3. How does a search engine work?

7.3.1. Parts of a search engine

The spider or robot
The index or catalog
The search interface

7.3.2. How do we seduce searchers?
7.3.3. On-page relevance factors
7.3.4. Off-page relevance factors


7.3.5. Relevance and popularity, a guarantee of good search engine positioning

7.4. Phases of a search engine optimization campaign

7.4.1. Selection of keywords
7.4.2. Selection of search engines
7.4.3. Solving indexability problems
7.4.4. Web page optimization to improve relevancy
7.4.5. Improve popularity levels
7.4.6. Measuring results

7.5. The list of keywords

7.5.1. What are keywords?
7.5.2. How do search engine users search?
7.5.3. The initial keyword list: Sources and tools
7.5.4. Search engine keyword suggestion tools

Google Adwords Keyword Suggestor Tool
Google Insights: Keyword Trends

7.5.5. Choosing keywords
7.5.6. Keyword distribution strategy on your Website

7.6. Search engine selection
7.7. Solving indexability problems

7.7.1. Your Website as seen by search engines

How to access Google cache

7.7.2. Each content needs a unique URL

Indexed pages and saturation

7.7.3. Traceable links
7.7.4. Beware of pop-up content: Pop-up windows
7.7.5. Information architecture: The more horizontal the better
7.7.6. Flash content
7.7.7. Programming with frames (frames and iframes)
7.7.8. Pages hidden behind search forms
7.7.9. Keep the size of your files small
7.7.10. How to structure your Website: Domains, subdomains and subdirectories.
7.7.11. Making good use of redirects
7.7.12. How to design an effective 404 page
7.7.13. The site map
7.7.14. How to prevent private content from being indexed:

The robots.txt file

7.7.15. The sitemap file
7.7.16. Domain in Google Webmasters Tools

7.8. Web page optimization to improve relevancy

7.8.1. The title of the page: The Title tag

How to write the Title tag for search engines?

7.8.2. Write the meta description and keywords

How to write the meta description tag to improve relevance?

7.8.3. Optimize the code and content of the page

7.9. Improve popularity levels

7.9.1. How do search engines view links?
7.9.2. The popularity of a Web page, according to Google: The PageRank
7.9.3. The quality of the links
7.9.4. The text in the links: What did you tell me your name was?
7.9.5. Active link building: Link building
7.9.6. Passive link building: Linkbaiting
7.9.7. Gradual building of popularity

7.10. Measuring results
7.11. Sources and resources on natural search engine optimization

Chapter 8. Pay-per-click tools

8.1. Pills about pay-per-click tools
8.2. Pay-per-click: Search engine traffic under control
8.3. Definition of pay-per-click
8.4. Advantages of pay-per-click
8.5. Sponsored search engine advertising (SEM)
8.6. Google Adwords
8.7. How to successfully manage a Google AdWords campaign

8.7.1. Definition of objectives, segmentation and budgets
8.7.2. Keyword management in Google AdWords

Step 1. Create a comprehensive list of keywords
Step 2. Clean or filter keyword list with keyword matching tools
Step 3. Use of specific keywords for segmented ad groups

8.7.3. Design and copywriting of sponsored ads

Insert the keywords that your potential customer would use within the sponsored advertisement
Segment your ads as much as possible by keyword
Highlight your competitive advantage in ad copywriting
“Invite action” in your ads.
Target each ad to a different, relevant page on your Website
Applying A/B testing to sponsored ads

8.7.4. Landing page management in sponsored ad campaigns
8.7.5. Performance monitoring and management

Regularly check your campaign metrics for opportunities to reduce budgets without compromising ad positioning
Optimize your budget: Don’t be tempted to get the number one position no matter what the cost.
Analyze Web traffic data from sponsored link campaigns
Segment your campaigns by country or language
Costs per click of generic words versus long tail words

8.8. Contextual Pay Per Click Ads
8.9. Measuring Pay Per Click results

8.9.1. Pay-per-click performance indicators
8.9.2. How to measure the results of a pay-per-click campaign?
8.9.3. Pay-per-click ROI (return on investment) tracking

8.10. Click fraud or click fraud
8.11. Pay-per-click profitability
8.12. Sources and resources on Pay Per Click Tools

Chapter 9. Advertising Banners

9.1. Pills about Banner Advertising Tools
9.2. History and definition of the Internet Advertising Banner
9.3. Banner Elements
9.4. Types and Formats of Banners
9.4.1. What are the most popular banner formats?
9.5. Banner Design: Points to consider
9.6. Price of hiring a Banner
9.7. Portal where to publish our Banner
9.8. Landing Page in a banner campaign
9.9. Measuring Banner Campaign Results
9.10. Banner Blindness: How to Reduce It
9.11. Rich Media Banners: The new face of banners
9.12. Profitability in a banner campaign
9.13. Sources and resources on banner advertising

Chapter 10. The loyalty of your users: E-mail Marketing

10.1. E-Mail Marketing Pills
10.2. Making ourselves visible in the mailboxes of our potential customers.
10.3. Definition of E-Mail Marketing
10.4. Advantages of E-Mail Marketing
10.5. Types of E-Mail Marketing Campaigns 280

10.5.1. Advertising or promotional e-mail
10.5.2. Electronic bulletin or newsletter: Loyalty e-mails

10.6. What is necessary to make an e-mailing campaign?
10.7. Target and objectives in an e-mail marketing campaign
10.8. The Database in e-mail Marketing

10.8.1. External distribution lists
10.8.2. Own distribution list
10.8.3. Legal aspects of the database in e-mail marketing
10.8.4. Permission Marketing vs. Spam

10.9. Content or message in an e-mail marketing campaign

10.9.1. The subject line of an e-mail: The cover letter of your campaign
10.9.2. Newsletter layout
10.9.3. How to design a persuasive e-mail advertisement and/or newsletter?

10.10. Landing Page in e-mail marketing
10.11. Shipping. How to send our e-mail marketing campaign?

10.11.1. Sending the e-mail on our behalf
10.11.2. Sending e-mail using specialized e-mail marketing software
10.11.3. Sending e-mail through companies that manage campaigns
10.11.4. When to send an advertising e-mail or newsletter?
10.11.5. Schedule the sending of an advertising e-mail

10.12. Measuring results in e-mail marketing

10.12.1. Metrics in e-mail marketing campaigns
10.12.2. Tests to improve your e-mail marketing campaign

10.13. Measuring profitability in e-mail marketing
10.14. Sources and resources on E-Mail Marketing

Chapter 11. Content syndication

11.1. What is content syndication?
11.2. Glossary of terms related to content syndication
11.3. Advantages of content syndication
11.4. How to promote RSS content

11.4.1. Analyze the information to be syndicated
11.4.2. Create a specific page with the information in RSS
11.4.3. Post instructions on your page on how to subscribe via RSS
11.4.4. Measuring content syndication results

11.5. Sources and resources on Content Syndication

Chapter 12. Blog marketing

12.1. Blog Marketing Pills
12.2. What is a blog?
12.3. Types of blogs

12.3.1. Corporate Blog
12.3.2. Personal blog
12.3.3. Thematic and professional blogs

12.4. Advantages of blogs over other Web portal publishing formats
12.5. How to make money with blogs? Business models based on blogs

12.5.1. Advertising-generating blogs
12.5.2. Blog consulting
12.5.3. Blogs to enhance your personal brand
12.5.4. Donations

12.6. How to get more visitors to your blog? 25 tips to follow

What drives more visitors through search engines
What makes it have more visits from other portals and blogs
What improves the usability of your blog
What makes a first-time visitor come back for a repeat visit?
Content that builds loyalty

12.7. Eight mistakes that can kill blogs

12.7.1. Content creation in the comments: The most profitable opportunity to position the blog

Communicate to readers that we have read their comments
Search and hunt for commenters on other blogs
Targeting and effectively managing trolls
No fighting in the comments
Avoid excessive moderation or no moderation at all in comments
Updating functionalities
Beware of excessive advertising

12.7.2. Improving the popularity of your blog

12.8. How to position a Blog in search engines

12.8.1. Optimization of blog code and content

Optimization of blog URLs
Optimization of the blog title tag
Optimization of hierarchy Hs tags
Optimizing the Description meta tag in blogs
Internal linking of blog posts
Use of Tags to group contents
Avoiding duplicate content on the blog
Site Map with Sitemaps
Recommended plugins for WordPress

12.9. Sources and resources on Blog Marketing

Chapter 13. Social Networking

13.1. Web 2.0 and Social Networking Pills
13.2. What is Web 2.0?

13.2.1. Wikipedia: The ultimate example of Web 2.0
13.2.2. Consequences of Web 2.0
13.2.3. Web 2.0 and e-commerce: The new competitive advantage
13.2.4. Transparency and usefulness, the most demanded values
13.2.5. From virtual showcase to prosumers
13.2.6. And moving on to the Web 2.0 model
13.2.7. Online corporate reputation
13.2.8. Attitude 2.0

13.3. How to promote yourself on social networks?

13.3.1. Benefits of promoting yourself on social networks
13.3.2. Steps to follow to promote yourself on social networks

Create a blog with the information we want to promote
Create a profile or account in the main social networks most suitable to promote our products and services.
Customize your profile or account
Frequently update our account
Communicate the existence of our accounts on social networks
Measuring results

13.4. How to promote yourself on Facebook?

13.4.1. Why promote yourself on Facebook?
13.4.2. Creation of Facebook Fan pages
13.4.3. Creation of Facebook groups
13.4.4. Social applications on Facebook
13.4.5. Sponsored Ads on Facebook

13.5. How to promote yourself on Twitter?

13.5.1. The Twitter listening strategy
13.5.2. The Twitter conversation strategy

a) Content publishing strategy
b) Hunting for recommendations and questions

13.6. Linkedin and other professional networks

13.6.1. Company Profiles on Linkedin
13.6.2. Linkedin Groups
13.6.3. Questions and Answers on Linkedin
13.6.4. Sponsored Ads on Linkedin

13.7. YouTube and other video publishing social networks

13.7.1. Positioning of videos on YouTube
13.7.2. YouTube videos within Google’s search results
13.7.3. YouTube Channels
13.7.4. Sponsored ads on YouTube
13.7.5. How to optimize a video on YouTube to be well positioned

13.8. The Community Manager
13.9. Measuring results in social networks
13.10. Sources and resources on Social Networking

Chapter 14. Online corporate reputation management

14.1. Online corporate reputation pills
14.2. What is online corporate reputation?

14.2.1. Google as an online reputation manager

14.3. Stage 1: Listening through research and online reputation monitoring

14.3.1. Steps to research and monitor our online reputation
14.3.2. Some online reputation monitoring tools Google Alerts

RSS Feed Syndication Readers
Internal search engines of social networks
Results on general search engines (Google, Yahoo!, Bing)
Blog search engine
Twitter monitoring tools
Specialized free and paid monitoring tools

14.3.3. What words to monitor in online reputation tracking tools?

14.4. Stage 2: Valuing opinions

14.4.1. What is being said? Positive, negative or neutral
14.4.2. Who and where is it being said? Weighing opinions
14.4.3. Monitor and assess competitors’ online reputation

14.5. Stage 3: Participate

14.5.1. Reactive attitude
14.5.2. Proactive attitude

14.6. Sources and resources on online corporate reputation management

Chapter 15. Viral Marketing

15.1. Viral marketing pills
15.2. What is viral marketing?
15.3. Steps for a Viral Marketing Campaign
15.4. Ease of sharing and distribution: The most important thing in a viral marketing campaign
15.5. Why do users retransmit viral messages?
15.6. Which formats are the best for a viral marketing campaign?

15.6.1. The test or survey: The bug to measure knowledge in a competitive way.
15.6.2. Tools or applications: How to make life easier for our users
15.6.3. Viral news and articles

1. A top5 or top10 list with an adjective related to fatality
2. A secret everyone wants to know
3. A question and answer
4. An irresistible benefit
5. A manual, guide, advice or simply start with a “How to”.
6. Numbers inviting to view information in listings

15.6.4. Viral videos: The king format of viral marketing
Strategy to make a video viral
15.6.5. Ebooks and Whitepapers
15.6.6. Online games: The five minutes a day we need to unwind
15.6.7. Widgets

Types of widgets
How can I make money with Widgets?

15.6.8. Viral incentivized

15.7. Influencers or propagators in viral marketing
15.8. Ease of transmission of a viral message
15.9. Measuring results in viral Internet marketing
15.10. Viral Marketing Success Stories

15.10.1. The iJam video
15.10.2. Levi’s viral video of Guys backflip into jeans
15.10.3. Hamilton’s Wheel Puncture” Game Contest
15.10.4. Online Christmas game: Elf Yourself
15.10.5. Advergaming Accenture Test your limits
15.10.6. Blendtec, an Internet viral marketing success story

15.11. Viral Marketing sources and resources

Chapter 16. Web traffic analysis

16.1. Web traffic analysis pills
16.2. What is Web traffic analysis?
16.3. Elements for Web traffic analysis

16.3.1. People (Web traffic analysts)
16.3.2. Tools

16.4. Setting objectives and KPIs: First step in Web analytics
16.5. Web traffic metrics

Visitors, Unique Visitors or Unique Users
Visits or Sessions
Page Views
Visits from search engines
Visits from each search engine
Visits from natural results versus sponsored links in search engines
Average time on site or visit duration
Ranking of most viewed pages
Search terms that originated the visit
Abandonment or bounce rate
Reference Websites
Percentage of new visits
Landing pages
Percentage of conversions
Direct traffic
The slow death of page views

16.6. Example of Web analytics in an industry: How to turn a real estate Website into a market research study

16.6.1. Origin of visits
16.6.2. Use of the internal search engine
16.6.3. Conversion analysis
16.7. Web traffic analysis: Server-side analysis or real-time statistics?
16.7.1. Analysis of server activity
16.7.2. Real-time statistics

Counting method
Identification of unique visitors
Method of report generation
Information on referrals
Spiders and robots
Proxy-caché servers
Non HTML files
Page errors

16.8. Google Analytics

16.8.1. Google Analytics Tutorial

How to compare time intervals in Google Analytics reports
How to analyze visits from natural search engine results
How to analyze visits by sponsored ad campaigns (Google AdWords)
How to analyze users and the path they have followed on the site
How to analyze visits by different traffic sources
User acquisition and loyalty analysis
Graph by User Location
User Language Tool
How to find out the most visited pages on your Website
Using the site overlay tool
How to analyze the quality of your Website: Analysis of retention rates
Benchmark your Website against sites of similar size and different industries.
Use of the “Use of the Navigator” tool
Using the screen resolution tool
How to use Goals in Google Analytics

16.9. Sources and resources on Web Analytics

Chapter 17. Recommended bibliography

Alphabetical index
