Table of contents



  1. What you will find in this book
  2. To whom this book is addressed

Chapter 1. From off to online in Marketing

  1. Some striking facts about online marketing
  2. How the Internet is changing Marketing
  3. Evolution of the environment: towards Web 2.0
  4. The online marketing plan: the roadmap for navigating turbulent waters
  5. Definition of objectives: the starting point of any marketing plan
  6. Definition of target audiences
  7. Choosing the right strategy for each objective
  8. Allocating resources and deadlines
  9. How to measure the success of our online marketing plan
  10. It’s time to start
  11. References

Chapter 2. From the Web as a virtual catalog to the online business unit

  1. Pills on the evolution of the company’s presence on the Web
  2. The need for a high-performance Website
  3. References on the use and evolution of the Internet in Spain
  4. Keys to a high-performance Website
  5. Creating a Website: proprietary developments or open source content managers
  6. How to choose a good domain name
  7. How to decide where to host your online business
  8. Resources on Website creation

Chapter 3. Web Usability

  1. Some notes on Web Usability
  2. What is Usability and why is it important for your Website?
  3. Analysis
  4. Information architecture
  5. Visual design and page structure
  6. Evaluation of prototypes
  7. Implementation and publication
  8. Google Analytics Content Experiments
  9. References and resources on Web Usability

Chapter 4. Web accessibility and compatibility

  1. A few highlights on accessibility and Web compatibility
  2. What is Web accessibility?
  3. Main access limitations
  4. Web accessibility guidelines
  5. Benefits of respecting accessibility recommendations
  6. Web accessibility testing tools
  7. Basic Web accessibility recommendations
  8. Web Compatibility
  9. References and resources on Web accessibility and compatibility

Chapter 5. Conversion: How to convert Web visitors into profitable customers?

  1. Some clues about Web conversion
  2. What is conversion?
  3. The conversion funnel
  4. General recommendations for a conversion-oriented Website
  5. Information architecture of a high-performance Website
  6. Conversion recommendations for the home page
  7. Category, family or product listing pages
  8. How to improve the conversion of the product detail page
  9. Internal search engines: the necessary complement to improve navigability
  10. How to optimize shopping carts and registration forms
  11. Other features and content that enhance persuasiveness
  12. How to write the contents of our Website to convert visitors into customers?
  13. Tests to improve conversion
  14. Recommended tools to improve conversion
  15. Sources and resources on Web conversion

Chapter 6. The online marketing plan

  1. The fourth P of Internet marketing
  2. Cost models in online marketing
  3. How to promote our Website with traditional offline tools?
  4. The online marketing plan
  5. Recommended promotional strategies
  6. Strategies for attracting new customers
  7. Strategies for converting visitors into customers
  8. Customer loyalty strategies
  9. Internet marketing strategies to enhance branding
  10. Tools to listen to our demand: Web 2.0 functionalities
  11. Strategies for converting loyal customers into prescribers
  12. Inbound marketing
  13. A single tool or a mix of tools
  14. References on the elaboration of the Marketing Plan

Chapter 7. Natural positioning in search engines

  1. Some reviews on natural search engine optimization
  2. What is natural search engine optimization?
  3. How does a search engine work?
  4. Phases of a search engine optimization campaign
  5. The list of keywords
  6. Search engine selection
  7. Solving indexability problems
  8. Web page optimization to improve relevancy
  9. Improve popularity levels
  10. Measuring results
  11. Sources and resources on natural search engine optimization

Chapter 8. Pay-per-click (PPC) strategies

  1. Some hints on pay-per-click tools
  2. Pay-per-click: search engine traffic under control
  3. Definition: SEM, PPC, CPC
  4. Advantages of pay-per-click
  5. Sponsored ads
  6. Designing a strategy for a pay-per-click campaign
  7. Select a supplier or do it yourself
  8. Register as a user and open an account
  9. Create ads and landing pages
  10. Segmentation criteria in social networks
  11. Select keywords
  12. Specify segmentation criteria
  13. Specify the budget
  14. Pay-per-click ROI (return on investment) evaluation
  15. Discrepancies between Google AdWords and Google Analytics
  16. Sources and resources on pay-per-click strategies

Chapter 9. Display advertising: banners

  1. A few hints about display advertising
  2. Origin of the banner as a form of Internet advertising
  3. Cost models in display advertising
  4. Display advertising compared to other online marketing strategies
  5. Definition of objectives
  6. Definition of the target audience
  7. Creative aspects of a display campaign
  8. Types of graphic advertising formats
  9. Media planning
  10. Portal where to publish our banner
  11. The role of the landing page in a banner campaign
  12. Measuring results in a banner campaign
  13. Rich-media banners and Real Time Bidding
  14. Advertising blockers
  15. Sources and resources on display advertising

Chapter 10. Loyalty strategies: e-mail marketing

  1. Some relevant aspects of e-mail marketing
  2. Making ourselves visible in the mailboxes of our potential customers.
  3. Definition of e-mail marketing
  4. Advantages of e-mail marketing
  5. Types of e-mail marketing campaigns
  6. What is necessary to make an e-mailing campaign?
  7. Objectives of the e-mail marketing campaign
  8. The distribution list
  9. How to build your e-mail message
  10. The landing page in e-mail marketing
  11. Sending e-mail marketing messages
  12. Measuring results in e-mail marketing
  13. Measuring profitability in e-mail marketing
  14. Sources and resources on e-mail marketing

Chapter 11. Content marketing, blogging and more

  1. Some figures
  2. What is content marketing?
  3. How to design a content marketing strategy
  4. The blogs
  5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  6. Glossary of terms
  7. Applications, examples of use, etc.
  8. Demonstrations
  9. Presentations
  10. Live twittering
  11. Live blogging
  12. Content curation
  13. Sources and resources on content marketing

Chapter 12. Social networks

  1. The company in social networks
  2. Web 2.0: the user as protagonist
  3. Promotion strategies in social networks
  4. Social networks and companies
  5. Facebook
  6. Twitter
  7. Google+
  8. LinkedIn
  9. YouTube
  10. Other social networks
  11. Other Social Media sites
  12. Mobile and Apps
  13. Sources and resources on social networks

Chapter 13. Web traffic analysis

  1. Some facts about Web traffic analysis
  2. What is Web traffic analysis?
  3. Setting objectives and KPIs: the first step in Web analytics
  4. Main Web traffic analytics metrics
  5. Traffic segmentation
  6. Reports
  7. Alerts
  8. Universal Analytics
  9. Web traffic analysis resources


  1. Online marketing
  2. Usability and conversion
  3. Search Engine Optimization
  4. Content marketing
  5. Social networks
  6. Web Analytics

Alphabetical index
