Dedication and acknowledgments


I dedicate this book to my father, Eloy Maciá Cuenca (in memoriam), from whom I had the privilege of inheriting and learning what I am most proud of. Thank you for everything.


I would like to thank Tristán Elósegui, one of the most recognized experts and authors on digital marketing in Spanish, for his willingness to write the prologue for this book. I am honored to have your endorsement. I would also like to thank my editor, Eugenio Tuya, and Natalia Acosta of Anaya Multimedia for their encouragement, patience and understanding. It is a pleasure to deal with people like you. Many thanks also to Raúl Carrión, Vicente Ros and Natalia Sampériz for their generous help in revising some chapters. Although its possible shortcomings are all my sole responsibility, this book would be lame without their suggestions and expert advice. Finally, I would like to acknowledge the great understanding of my wife Aurora and my daughter, the main debtors of the time and attention dedicated to writing it. I am not a great man, but I have two great women by my side.
