200 OK response code

Fani Sánchez

Written by Fani Sánchez

What is the 200 OK response code

The 200 OK response code is an HTTP server response code that will give us the status of a successful standard request to which it can respond without problems.

The request sent by the client, browser or robot was received correctly, can be understood by the server and accepted by it.

Types of 200 codes

Thumbs up 200OK

As with all server-specific response codes, the first digit specifies the type of response. With the number 2, it identifies that we are in front of a correct request response.

Within the 200 codes, there are several types depending on the server’s response to the correct request:

200 code: OK

When the server responds to a successful request by returning the page requested on the web, we say that we are dealing with a 200 ok response code.

The user will be seeing the page he requested without any problems and for SEO we will have a correct behavior between the client and the server.

201 code: Created

It occurs when, upon a request by the client, spider or browser, the server correctly processes the request and creates a new resource.

202 code: Accepted

We obtain a code 202 with a successful response when the server accepts the request, pending its processing. The request is accepted for processing but processing has not been completed.

These are the cases in which the petition may not be resolved because it may find as a reason for not processing it that it was not permitted or was prohibited when the processing took place. We will also see it when the server receives a complex request and does not want to spend hours waiting for a response.

203 code: Non authoritative information

We found this code 203 when the server receives the request correctly from the client, it accepts it and serves that information but it does it from another source, from another server.

204 code: No content

We will have a server response code 204 when the server accepts and processes the client’s request, but it does not have the content. It may even contain in the response the HTTP header, but not the content of the page itself.

205 code: Reset content

When the server accepts the request but does not have the content because the client has reset the view, 205 code occurs, with a content reload message. The browser has to re-initialize the page from which the request was made.

We find the forms as an example in this respect, when the data is filled in and must be deleted once it has been sent. In this case, when sending, the page is reloaded and retrieved without this data.

206 code: Partial content

The server receives and correctly processes the client’s request, but can only provide part of the requested content, as requested by the client, browser or bot. We see it when the content of the page is requested partially, for example when we ask it to show us the content without JavaScript, where it will show partially the same without the part we do not want to receive.

207 code: Multi-Status

It is the response code provided by the server when its response to the received request consists of an .XLM file in which different different responses are specified. The file will contain as many responses as requests made by the client.

208 code: Already Reported

We are talking about DAV elements, this response code is produced when the listing has already been notified so they are going to be listed again.

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Fani Sánchez
Fani Sánchez
Former senior SEO consultant at Human Level. Graduated in Advertising and Public Relations.

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