How and when to do conversion-oriented e-mail advertising

Merche Martínez

Written by Merche Martínez

Conversion-focused e-mail advertising

One way to attract visits to our web site or to retain our customers Why make an e-mail advertisement?is e-mail marketing. This strategy consists of sending e-mails on a timely or regular basis informing about topics of interest to the subscribers of a website. The type of e-mail that concerns us in this article is that of advertising e-mail.

Reasons to send an advertising e-mail

  • To inform the subscriber about new products
    To inform our subscribersabout new products.
  • To inform the subscriber about specific offers
    To inform subscribersabout promotions that apply for a short period of time.
  • Send personalized offers to customers
    We can make advertising e-mails for each customer, sending offers for products they have been interested in on the web, products they have purchased on other occasions or complementary products to the latter.

How to make an e-mail advertisement that increases conversion?

The layout scheme that a conversion-focused e-mail advertisement must comply with is as follows:

E-mail advertising for conversion

  1. Link to the web version
    The e-mail sent should always be accompanied by a web page with the same content. This is necessary because by default mail clients do not download images and do not always interpret HTML code in the same way, so unmasked content may be displayed.
  2. Title
    The title is the first thing that is seen when opening the e-mail, it must be attractive and interesting to capture the subscriber’s attention.
  3. Image
    The next thing we see after the title is the image, so it is the second opportunity to capture the subscriber’s attention. The image can show the product offered or simply complement graphically the information we want to convey.
  4. Descriptive text
    This section is where we will provide brief information about the reason for the e-mail advertisement. In this section we can personalize the advertising e-mail by programming the subscriber’s name to appear.
  5. Call to action section
    This is the most important point for conversion, if the objective of the advertising e-mail is that subscribers fill out a form, in this section the form will appear. If our intention is to make them visit a product page we will have a button/link that will take us to that page. And if the reason is information about the company’s news we should send a newsletter with a link to the home page of the corporate website to take advantage and get visits.
  6. Legal text
    When sending an advertising e-mail we are obliged to make visible the possibility to unsubscribe. This text can be placed at the end of all content.

When to send an advertising e-mail

Studies and experience show that e-mailings are generally better received first thing in the morning, which is when the office workday begins. But we must take into account the target audience and the subject matter. Lunchtime is also considered a good time to take a break and dedicate time to distract ourselves.
Although it is definitely advisable to test the reception at different times and study the response obtained for each type of target profile.

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Merche Martínez
Merche Martínez
Former SEO consultant at Human Level. Graduated in Computer Engineering with several specialization courses oriented to usability, layout and database optimization. Specialist in national and international SEO. She is also certified in Google AdWords.

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