Alberto Gomis

Alberto Gomis
Former web developer at Human Level. Graduated in Computer Engineering. Specialist in programming and web development.
Alberto Gomis

Upload custom posts and templates in WordPress

Previously we saw how to create custom post types in WordPress . These types of posts are used to create specific objects for our website, such as articles for a store, users, events or any entity we can think of, each with its specific attributes (for example, a user will have a first name, last […]

Creating custom post types in WordPress

In this article we are going to see how to create custom post types in WordPress. There are several types of posts(post types), such as pages and blog posts (page and post). But we may be interested in creating other custom types. Let’s imagine that our website is a clothing store, and we would like […]

How to create a website with WordPress II

Previously we saw how to create a website with WordPress specifically the steps to follow in order to get our hosting space, create our database and install WordPress to have a website ready to go. Now we will see how to start giving life to our website by configuring the necessary attributes, installing a WordPress […]

How to create a website with WordPress I

If you have ever wanted to set up your own website and didn’t know what to do or how to start, a very practical solution is to use WordPress. A website consists of a set of files and directories stored on a server, which we normally access from a browser by typing its URL, thus […]
